Best Friend Blogger Award

     This wonderful award was from one of my Design D*I*V*A*S, Linda Payne over at
Payne Holler Cards.   Give her a visit and tell her I sent you!!  She does beautiful work!!
And yes, she created the header picture on her blog!!

      There were no requirements on sending the blog award off, so I'm just going to send it to some of my blogging buddies who visit me often and leave the wonderful comments.
They are in no particular order, and I limited the number to 10...   Please visit them!!

Kathy   Kathy & Lucky Stamper
Kathy  Will Stamp for Wine
Susan  Cricut and Grasshopper
Donna  Donna's Designs
Cheryl  She Stamps
Francy  Scrippo Scrappo
Cindy   Stamp With Me, Cindy G
Lisa     Paws 4 Thought
Marie   The Joy of Cards
Linda  Linda's Stamping Blog


Kathy and Lucky said…
Congrats!!! You so deserve this, your blog is awesome, you know I can get the giggles when I come to visit :) Thank you so much for passing the award to me, I am truly flattered and honored, you so made my day!
Unknown said…
Hello Cindy, This gift is a wonderful surprise and I'm honored to receive it from you.
Thank you very much.
Susan said…
Aw, thanks for thinking of me Cindy! I love reading your blog and following your antics! :) Your projects are always beautiful and I hope that one of these days I can be as good with colors as you are, your a true inspiration!

Donna Heber said…
Hi Cindy,

Congrats on your blog award! It is so sweet of you to pass it onto me. I thank you so very much. I have enjoyed visiting your blog and being inspired by your creations.
Hi Cindy, thanks for the award. It is nice making blogging friends and getting to follow everybody's projects and what is going on in their lives. I will do my best to pass it on to more friends. Have a great weekend.
Cheryl said…
Congratulations and thank you!
Maire Gamber said…
Congrats Cindy on winning the award! You deserve it! I also want to thank you for passing the award on to me... I agree... it is absolutely wonderful meeting new friends through blogging!!! There are just so many wonderful talented folks out there! Thank you again!!!

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