Meet me on Mondays....

   My friend Susan over at Cricut and Grasshopper, had this post today on her blog.  It sounds like a lot of fun!!a really fun blog that has this fun little link up party that you may enjoy! It's a great way to meet new people and learn about each other and you don't have to rush to get a project done! I hope you join in on the fun! 
              Welcome to the 56th edition of 

                           "Meet Me On Monday!"   Click on this link...

Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other! 

Every Sunday,.the blog Never Growing Old will post five get to know you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!

Todays questions:

1. Are you excited for the holidays or are you dreading them?

Since I'm pretty much broke this year, I'm dreading them, but I am looking forward to the family time!! I do love making Christmas Cookies, however! Usually about 10-15 different kinds!!   My Dad passed away 3 years ago, and it just isn't the same anymore....

2. Do you hit the snooze button or get right up?

Oh, definetely hit the snooze button.  Usually several times.

3. Do you still have your tonsils? 

Nope. Had them out when I was out 7 or 8.  Then that day my Uncle brought over popcorn balls..  Not very nice!!  To this day, the smell of ether just makes me sick!!

4. What was the last piece of candy that you ate?

ATootsie roll from Halloween candy.

5. Do you shop at thrift stores?

I do, occasionally.

I hope I can get some of you to play along, I think it would be a lot of fun and you would have a few hours more to craft! C'mon......join the fun!

1.Never Growing Old2.Momma T and Baby E
3.Bum Luxury4.Dominique's Desk
5.My Readers Block6.Yvonne @ Socrates' Book Review Blog
7.Mom of 2 Mischievious Monkeys8.Not So Newlywed!
9.P.S. Annie!10.Acting Balanced
11.Student SAVING Bucks!12.Pinkoddy
13.Endless Love For Books14.Mom on Caffeine
15.The Life Of A Canadian Angel16.Mary-Lifeinasmalltown
17.This Mommy Deals Galore18.Meet Me On Monday @ Flab to Fab
19.By the Sea20.lulu tutu photo
21.They say everyone has a story..22.What Would Jen Do
23.NaKesha@Totally Obsessed24.Bears at Home
25.**Amy's Life**26.Thinking Cat
27.Cathy Kennedy's Blog *follows*28.Natasha B
29.Rebecca @ FreakyFrugalite30.JamericanSpice
31.Beverly @ The Buzz32.Totally Kids Times
33.Uh Oh Mom!34.Meet Me On Monday
35.Dutch Girl's Favorite Things36.Meet Jami :)
37.Meet Me On Monday Mug Shot38.Roller Coaster Ride
39.Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You40.Bears at Home
41.The Daily Hoop-lah42.We Share with You
43.Fat in Suburbia44.Homespun Simplicity
45.Living on Less46.Creating footprints
47._emily_rose48.Skipping Stone Memories
49._emily_rose50.Meet Me on Monday
51.Meet Me On Monday52.Eva @Mostraum Viewpoint
53.Lah @ LazyGirl Reads

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Arlene said…
I had some Halloween candy myself - wouldn't want it to go to waste! LOL!! Have a blessed week.
Java said…
Thanks for playing along with Meet Me on Monday!! Please remember to link the url only of your Meet Me On Monday post and not your whole blog! I have to go in and fix it!!
Hope you have a great week!!!
Susan said…

10-15 types of cookies? Remind me to send you my address so I can get on your christmas cookie sending list! lol! I'm curious...what's the favorite one you make? I have to go now and check out the cards you've made!

Susan said…
I forgot to tell you Cindy, I hope your knee starts to feel better after the injection. When I get my steriod injections it usually takes a day or two to start working, I really hope yours will begin right away! I be thinking of you Cindy and sending well wishes your way! Take it easy!


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