Busy Weekend

This was a very busy weekend! We had Noah's 5th birthday party at our house on Saturday evening. 14 adults and 5 children!! We had Seafood Lasagna, Jumbalya, Baked pasta, cold Peel 'n eat Shrimp that we brought back from Alabama. Plus many appetizers and cake & ice cream.
Hunter is sick again!! He has another ear infection. He's been on antibiotics since Wed or Thur. He was feeling OK on Saturday morning, so Jenn thought it would be ok to bring him down. He played all night, but Sunday morning, he was running a fever again, his nose won't stop running, and has a cough. So, he went back to the Pediatrician Monday morning. He ended up getting IV antibiotics & fluids. Came home on a new, stronger antibiotic, that should get rid of all this!!
We all had fun at the party. Baby Brooke even came! Noah's sister Calla, and cousin Mason were there too!

We had some fun with rub-on tattoos!! My DH & BIL got them on their bare heads!! Hunter got a bat on his forehead, a dolphin on one arm and a snake on the other! Calla got a little duckie on her hand. The birthday boy didn't want one though.

The kids all had fun trying to play with Hunter's hermit crabs.

I haven't had time to make any cards today, but I thought I'd show a couple of my favorite Easter cards that I made last year. The Hello Spring is SU, the other 2 are Great Impressions. I just love those Bunnie Butts!!


Becky said…
These pictures are truely memories, I love the guys heads :).
Spyder said…
aw, these bunnies are sooooo cute!

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