Certainly, Pixie Appeal & New "do"

This was yesterday's color challenge. The colors are Certainly Celery, Pixie Pink & Apricot Appeal. I used "Greenhouse Garden" for my image. I've found that I'm not too good at the double stamps. I should have applied the sticker to the wood first, and then the rubber. So it was difficult lining up the 2 images. I popped up 3 of the flowers on dimensionals. I used the same color inks, but also used mambo Melon to the center of the pink flowers. Added a little Prismacolor marker to the center of the Apricot flower. I used my Creative Memories corner rounder, added ribbon and used my Pebbles chalk in yellow around the image. I also stamped Certainly Celery to the base. Well, I got my new "do" today! Took my own picture too!!
Nurse Joke:
The company I work for offers tours through the historic district of Annapolis, Maryland, led by guides dressed in Colonial clothing.
While leading a group, Felix, one of our guides, tripped and fell, breaking his wrist.
He went to the hospital, and as he sat waiting in the emergency room, a policeman walked by.
Doing a double take at Felix in his 18th-century garb, he asked,
"Just how long have you been waiting?"
You May Have Too Much Experience As An Emergency Nurse If . . .You don't eat before driving to work because you want to be an "easy intubation" if you are in an accident.
You think Medic-Alert® tags make fine birthday presents or should be issued at birth.
You see people in the crowd with stigmata of serious disease, and you quickly calculate if you could be recognized as an off-duty nurse.
As above, but wish you had bought that CPR pocket mask you've been promising yourself.
"Man down" translates to you as: Drunk if unwitnessed, Seizure if witnessed.


Anonymous said…
I love the Greenhouse Garden set...I keep telling myself I don't need another flower set...but gorgeous cards like this beckon to me!
Kim said…
Gorgeous card and what a cute 'do'! Kim (stampinscrapnewbie)
Kirstin said…
Lovely card! Great color combo!!

Love your new do as well! Very cute!
xiumaiyuki said…
beautiful card! I love the colors you used. and you are so pretty!
Jenn said…
Love the card and the jokes too! I work at a hospital (not as a nurse) and I totally "get" your second one! LOL!
Shelly Schmidt said…
I love your double stamped card- great colors too. I am chuckling at your jokes- I am a nurse too- do you claim you are going to have DNR tattooed somewhere on your body- just in case??? I love the joke about the broken wrist.....
TannyP said…
Beautiful card and your hair looks fantastic! Nice self pic!!
cr8iveme said…
beautiful card.

M.E. aka CMCMaryD@SCS
Becky said…
I love your new do, you look great, and this is a wonderful picture. and I am loving that card, love the colors and how you paper pieced this.
Unknown said…
Your hair looks great! You also did a wonderful job on the card, it came out fabulous!
Mary G. said…
Pretty card! LOVE you new 'do'! Thanks for the funnies, too! I loved the first one.
CarlaKH said…
You are simply gorgeous! Cute card too!
Kathy said…
Love the card, great job with those colors, I thought they were challanging, but you made them look fabulous! Cute new hair cut!
Vicki said…
Oh Cindy! You look mah..velous! Love the new do! Also love the color combo on your card! Beautiful work!
I do tours in costume at an Appalachian museum...can't wait to tell the waiting joke! Blessings to you!
Karin said…
This is a great set...I have yet to buy it, but now I may have to place an order soon. This is a lovely card.
paige said…
A beautiful card made by a beautiful woman!
Great card! and your new do is fantastic!! tfs!
Cheryl Walker said…
Awww, I love your picture, what a Beautiful picture of you:)

Also love your card!!!


Hope you will find some time today to join in on our 1st ever KL SNS blog hop, also you will find lots of chances to win along the way!!! more details are on my blog hun!

Hugs to you,
Cassie_lu said…
fab card and i really like how you added depth with the flowers
Unknown said…
Lovely card and great picture.
Michelle said…
beautiful card kim! and love your new "do".. (I also had about 9 inches taken off of mine today...and now i feel so "naked"..lol)

Heidi said…
this card is beautiful!
Sande said…

Love your new hair do...looks super.

The card is gorgoeus!
Anonymous said…
Love the dimension and the card is amazing! Great job!!!
Anonymous said…
great card! those colors are gorgeous together! and your do looks good too!
Melissa said…
Great Card and you hair is adorable!!

Sweet Dreamers
Amy J said…
HAHA! I used to be a nurse in a local hospital and these jokes just made my day! Love em!
Tracy said…
I LOVE your haircut!! Mine seriously needs to be cut, but the last cut I got was BAD, so I'm scared to do it. You look fantastic!!

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