I'm baaaack!!

Hi everyone!! I've been missing for a week!! I went to visit my Grandson, Hunter last Saturday, then went to visit with my Mom for a few days. Hunter and I had a great visit. We swam for a little while, then he played a little with my nintendo DS. We had breakfast at the Hotel Restuarant. He had pancakes with Strawberries!! We then went to see "Dolphin Tale." It was a cute movie, and he enjoyed it. It was in 3D, but Hunter didn't really like the glasses. It made it too dark in the theatre, I think. I even got to visit with my BFF, Rebecca. We went to dinner for 3 hours! It was nice catching up! She borrowed me a few books to read, one of them "The Help." I saw the movie a couple of weeks ago. I finally got 1 card made on my vacation, so far. This was another "...