Yummy Blog Award!!!

Just look at this awesome award I was given by Susan over at
 Cricut and Grasshopper    Isn't it just yummy???

             Please go over and check out her blog!! You won't be disappointed!!! 
                      Thank you Susan!!!

There are three rules for the award:

1) Send a thank you to the person who nominated you and include their link.

2) Answer 7 random facts about yourself.
3) Pass the award on to at least 8 other awesome blog buddies

Random facts about myself......
1.  I've become addicted to Cafe World again on Facebook!
2.  I'm going to court to try to get Grandparent visitation with my Grandson Hunter.
3.  The first 10 years of my life, my Dad was in the Air Force, so I lived in Spain, The   Philippine Islands,Massachusetts, &  North Dakota.
4.  I became a Registered Nurse at age 41.
5.  I have always loved the color PURPLE!!!
6.  I thought I  hated cats until I was about 25, and have had 6 since then. (Tiger, Cricket, Fly, Chloe,Madelynn & Rascal.)
7.  I would love to have my eyelids lifted!!

Now,  to pass this award on to 8 Blogging Friends:
1. Kathy at: http://willstampforwine.blogspot.com/
2. Kathy at:  http://luckystamper.blogspot.com/ 
3. Cindy at:   http://www.stampingtherapy.com/
4. Linda at:  http://lindasstampingblog.blogspot.com/
5. Marie at:  http://thejoyofcards.blogspot.com/
6.  Sue at:   http://suessentiments.com/wordpress/
7.  Gina at:  http://ginasmakingsandmusings.blogspot.com/
8.  Julie at:  http://specialcraftmom.blogspot.com/ 

           Please, visit their blogs as well!!!  They are all awesome!!


Congrats on your award Cindy. I'm honored that you nominated me also for the award. I will try to fulfill the requirements over the weekend. I appreciate your kind comments on my blog posts.

Thanks again. Hugs,

Cindy G.
Kathy said…
Thanks so much Cindy, you are so kind! Your last fact made me laugh, I wouldn't mind having a bit of lift (and tuck) myself. Thanks so much for passing it on to me!
Maire Gamber said…
Contrats Cindy on the award. Thank you so much for nominating me for the award!
Kathy and Lucky said…
You are so sweet,ok no pun intended :) Thank you so much! Love the award, it looks so yummy.
Maire Gamber said…
Thank you Cindy. I have accepted the award at:
Oh Thank you Cindy! SWEET award (:

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