My first Embossed Wax Resist card!!

Today on SCS, the challenge was making an Embossed Wax Resist card. I used my Cuttlebug Swirls folder, and then rolled on YoYo Yellow and then Brilliant Blue!! I love how the background turned out!! I used Serene Spring for my Image. My flowers do not look really well, in fact they look wilted. But overall, I like how the card turned out. I also used the Creative Memories corner rounder, added 2 primas and a brad. I also like the multi colored fibers!

It was a very, very busy day at work! I ended up working 1.5 hours overtime, because we had so many patients left at shift change. We admitted 8 patients on the day shift. Seems everyone that came in today was really sick!! I really wanted to get home, because I was so tired, but I also wanted to try this new technique!!

Nurse Joke:

This guy decides to get a sex change. So he goes to the doctors and has the thing done.
A couple of weeks later he was talking to one of his old buddies about it.

"Gee, it must have really hurt when they shot all that silicon into your chest to make your breasts." "Not really, I hardly felt it." "Well, it must have really hurt when they chopped off your manhood!" "Nope, I didn't really feel it either.

The only thing that really hurt was when they drilled a hole in my skull and sucked out half my brain."


cr8iveme said…
what a beautiful card.

I like your card very cute..
What a neat technique..
Ginny said…
LOVE your card Cin, looks fab :0) as for the teabag folding, if your interested, this is an interesting site

funny joke ;0)
Amber said…
Your card is really pretty... love the background. Great job on the technique!
Wow - that technique gave a great look to your background. Think I've done that before, but it didn't come out like this. Time to revisit. . .

Great coloring job on the image - your card is just beautiful. All of the elements come together so nicely!
Unknown said…
oh wow, very nice.
i havent tried that technique yet.
Spyder said…
Haven't tried this yet, must give it ago!

Ruth said…
HAHAHA cute joke! I love the card. I have some of those fibers and have never used them. I'll have to try now.
Cassie_lu said…
great job on that challenge as the card looks great
Unknown said…
coloring is amazing, great job.
loretta said…
Love the card... the joke not so much ;-) j/k it was funny!
Jacquel said…
I love your card gf! nice technique...tfs!!!
laos348 said…
Wow! This background looks fantastic!! I saw the challenge but didn't get around to it - after seeing your card, I think I just HAVE to give this a try!
Bananastamper said…
What a great image and a beautiful card! Very nice.

Shanna :)
Pat (mspfd) said…
This is fantastic. Love the image and your wonderful background!!
cr8iveme said…
lovely card.

M.E. aka CMCMaryD@SCS

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