Here are a couple more cards I made on Saturday, using my Cricut. It's fun, now that I've tried it a few times!!
Card stock is Pretty in Pink and the Purple & white is from Gina K.
This next card is a note card that I turned inside out. I used a Martha Stewart Border punch, sponged the front with Cameo Coral and added the sentiment which I "shadow cut". The dp is a Martha Stewart paper, Punch pad.
Hope you enjoyed your visit today!!!
Card stock is Pretty in Pink and the Purple & white is from Gina K.
This next card is a note card that I turned inside out. I used a Martha Stewart Border punch, sponged the front with Cameo Coral and added the sentiment which I "shadow cut". The dp is a Martha Stewart paper, Punch pad.
Hope you enjoyed your visit today!!!
Marie XX
Marie Xx