Finally..a One Layer Card!!

           Here is a one layer card!! I hardly ever make them.  I just never think of it!
I'm always thinking more is better, therefore my multiple layers!! 
    This is a Stamps Of Life stamp by Stephanie Barnard, called Joy 2 Christmas
(This set is from Nov. 2009).
      Gina K, Stamp TV's Free For All Friday's  challenge this week, is  "One Layer Christmas Card."    The Saturday Inspiration Challenge at SCS is based on images at The Blue Carrot Shop.    My inspiration was this bowl, except I used BLUE.
      Sunday was my Dad's 76th Birthday.  I wanted to post pictures of us sending him balloons to heaven!!
 Jenn, Cristine, Mom
 Cristine, Mom (with the Blue)
 Mom, watching (Yellow is Cristine's, Green is Jenn's, Orange is Hunter's)
Me with Purple, of course!!


Dr Sonia S V said…
What a cheerful card and your balloon ritual is so touching Cindy

Great one layer card!!! It looks perfect! Love all those snowflakes!!!!!!!!

Thanks for posting the pictures of you gals releasing the balloons!!!!

Maria :)
Anonymous said…

Stop by my blog and check out my latest post:)
You won my blog hop prize:)
Kathy and Lucky said…
Love that you send balloons up to your dad :) and thanks for letting us share with you. Your card is awesome!!!! Great one layer with that little snowman in the snow globe. I have that set, guess I should go find it :) Can't wait to see more one layer cards, I think you have the hang of it.
Scrapping Julie said…
so sweet and touching what a wonderful way to celebrate your dad.
Susan said…
I love that you send balloons up to your Dad Cindy. And I wouldn't expect you to have any other color than purple! lol!

What a wonderful one layer card. Isn't it funny the things we take our inspiration from? lol! This is a good reminder that you don't need many layers to create a fabulous card!


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