Cards, food and more cards!!
The cards I'm talking about today, are playing cards!!! My daughters came over on Saturday and we played cards. We started out playing Rummy. I actually won 1 game. Cristine won the other 2, and unfortunately Jenn, didn't win any..Maybe next time, Jenn...
Cristine, Jenn
I forgot to take the picture after they came out of the oven (Guess I won't make it on a food blog!!), so here are 2 leftover ones. They were yummy!! I will make them again!
Here is my salad. Every one's was a variation of this. Neither daughter likes mushrooms, Cristine doesn't like tomatoes, Kris doesn't like peas. I never got to eat mine, as I was busy with the steaks. So I will eat it tomorrow. Doesn't it look yummy, though?? Those are fresh mozzarella pearls.
Here are the steaks.. They got cooked a little more done than I would have liked, but no one complained! They are New York Strips.
For dessert, Brownies!
I just love my new cake stand! I got it at an antique shop a couple of months ago.
After dinner we played a game called "99" and then a few games of "Spades."
Cristine, Kris
I collect playing cards.. I probably have over 100 decks. Whenever I travel I buy a deck. People bring me cards back from their trips too! My Mom and Dad brought me the Beatles back from their trip to England years ago. I had a deck made of Hunter and my step grandson Noah a few years ago, too. (They are to the right of the Beatles.)
I hope you enjoyed the "meal" and the cards!!!
Have a great day!