It's Stinkin' Cute!!

   My wonderful blogging friend, Susan over at Cricut & Grasshopper gave me this awesome blog award!!
                                  It is Stinkin Cute isn't it?
This award didn't have any "rules", so I am just going to pass this along to the following blogs:
Kathy at:
Dru at:
Cindy at:
Kathy at:
Mary Anne at:
Sara at:
Thank you so much Susan!!!  Everyone, please visit her blog.. You will be glad you did!!

   So yesterday morning, I started work a couple of hours later as I had an appointment to go to. I got on the bus, and said good morning to the bus driver, who just totally ignored me!! Then I walked about 2 feet, and just as my butt was almost on the seat, the driver stepped on the gas, and I went lunging, face first into the woman in the seat behind me!!  I was on my knees, with my face in her chest!! I was so embarrassed!!! Luckily there were only 4 other people on the bus.  The driver didn't even look back to see if I was ok.
What a jerk!!  All of the other bus drivers have all been very friendly and always say hello, goodbye and thank you...  I'm just glad I won't be riding that bus anymore, with that driver!! 


Kathy and Lucky said…
Cindy, you are just the sweetest and what wonderful award, thank you so much! Great way to start my Sunday. Oh am so sorry to hear about that bus driver, what a miserable life he must lead, too bad he doesn't realize it takes more effort to frown instead of smile. Hope you are ok and keep on smiling and saying hello. Have a great day.
Kathy said…
Cindy, thanks so much, you are so sweet! That bus driver sounds awful, he should be reported. Someone could really get hurt. Hope you didn't bang up your knees.
OH thank you this is a stinkin' cute award. Thank your for thinking of me.
Donna Heber said…
Congrats Cindy! You deserve it my friend.
Dru said…
Thank you for the sweet award Cindy and I'm so sorry to hear about your incident - glad you're o.k. Some people are just miserable aren't they? Hope today is better! Hugs, Dru
Congrats on your award and I appreciate you nominating me also for the Stinkin Cute award. i will do my best to pass it on. So sorry to hear about your problem on the bus. That drive must be sadistic. Hope you are okay.
Susan said…
Thanks for the shout out Cindy! That's just wrong what that bus driver did. I hope his toenail splits down the middle and when he gets to the ER he has you as his nurse! Ha ha..payback! I hope you are okay though.


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