Stylish Blogger Award and a Clean and Simple Card!
I was honored with the "Stylish Blogger Award" recently from:
Anne Marie at Stampin'Anne. I love it, Thank you Anne!!!
Be sure to check out her blog, she has some great posts!!
When you recieve a blogger award there are 4 things that you are supposed to do...
1. Thank the person that gave you the award and link it back to their blog.
2. Share 8 things about yourself:
***I am a Registered Nurse, I work at a VA Hospital taking care of the veteran's who have served our country.
***I have lived in a lot of places, as my Dad was in the Air Force. (Spain, Philippine Islands,Massachusetts, North Dakota, and mostly in Illinois growing up.)
***I have 2 daughters, Jenn 31, Cristine, 29, and 1 adorable Grandson, Hunter who is almost 6 years old.
***I have 2 Grand cats, Dirk & Geronimo. Rascal was a Grand cat, now he is a son. lol
***My favorite hobbies are rubber stamping, scrapbooking, reading.
***I have been separated since last April, and should be divorced this month.(My choice)
*** My favorite color is PURPLE. I have loved it since High School.
*** I love to travel! I have been to Jamaica, Cancun (3), Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta, Bahamas, Turks & Caicos, Florida (Orlando, Maimi, Ft.Lauderdale, Daytona, Key West, Pensacola), California (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Venice Beach, Santa Monica, San Diego, Sausilito), Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Nebraksa, Tennesse, Alabama, Ohio, Washington DC, Las Vegas(5), Hawaii.
3. Pass this award onto 8 other bloggers
4. Leave a comment so they can pass along the recognition.
Here is my latest creation.
This was a Clean & Simple Challenge, "Out of the Box"
Congrats on your blog award! Your card is so cute! A perfect get well.