Vacation/Spring Break is over!

The last 4 days in Gulf Shores, the weather was great! Hot & Sunny!
We spent most of the days in the sun, either at the pool or on the beach! We left on Saturday morning and drove to Memphis, so we could visit Graceland on Sunday morning! It was great seeing where Elvis lived! It was smaller than I imagined, but still wonderful!! I'm all "shrimped up" for a few weeks, I think! The food was great.
My Grandson Hunter had his check up yesterday, and he is all clear now! Plus he is feeling much better! I even brought him back a Hermit Crab!! He likes crabs, so hopefully he will like this one. My Mom even got my brothers kids each one! They love them!!I did get most all of my ribbon wrapped and put into containers.(3) I do need to get one more container though!! My husband cut matting board up for me, into 2-1/2" x 2" pieces. My Mom did MOST of the wrapping in the car on the drive to and from vacation!
We wrapped the ribbon around and secured with an elastic hair band.
Thank-you Mom!
Yesterday was our Grandson Noah's 5th Birthday. His party will be in another week!
Our daughter-in-law, Kari is due with their baby girl on March 26. We really hoped that she wouldn't deliver while we were gone. The doctor says any time now!
Our Son-in-law, Tim received a life saving pin while we were gone. He is a jail deputy and he was on his way home from work one night, when he saw tail lights off the side of the road. He got out and checked,and had heard someone yelling for help. A young woman had gone off of the road and was thrown out of her car. . He called 911 and stayed with her until paramedics arrived. She was taken to the local hospital, then flown via helicopter to the UW Hospital, (Trauma center) and had surgery, and was recovering well from what we read in the newspaper. Way to go Tim!
So today was my first day back at work. I have two 12 hour shifts to work, then hopefully I will get to create something on Friday, my day off!!


Pat (mspfd) said…
Sounds like a wonderful trip! Yum, I love shrimp! So glad your grandson is doing well.
Becky said…
Sounds like you had a great time..That sure is a lot of ribbon :).
Anonymous said…
Glad you had a wonderful time. Welcome home! Your ribbon looks wonderful! Glad your grandson is doing well and so glad your SIL was there to help the accident victim.
Jacquel said…
Sounds like you had a great time! have fun playing with all that ribbon...tfs!!!

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